Project Pipeline

Gold assets to grow a gold business

On admission to the official list of the ASX, the Company will hold a large strategic tenement position in a proven goldfield. Leveraging existing Resources and Advanced Projects, the Company is focused on building and maintaining a robust Project Pipeline suitable for the Blackjack processing facility. The targeted gold assets include:

  1. Development Project: Far Fanning Open Pit
  2. Advanced Projects: Projects with historical operations, drilling or resources on existing Mining Leases that can be rapidly verified and progressed through Development Status. The Hadleigh Castle Mine has significant gold scale potential.
  3. Exploration Prospects: Numerous near surface prospects have been identified on the Maroon Gold leases and Charters Towers gold systems have deep roots. Both Copper and Gold prospects occur. Many are near mine with historic open pit gold production.

Ashby Mining Limited does not own Maroon Gold Pty Ltd’s Blackjack Processing Facility, Blackjack ML, Far Fanning gold project and surrounding EL’s which will become assets of Ashby Mining Limited on the company’s admission to the official list of the ASX.

Ashby Mining Limited does not own Denjim Pty Ltd, which is the registered holder of the Hadleigh Castle ML and Burdekin gold projects. Ashby Mining may acquire 50% of Denjim Pty Ltd upon finalisation of the ongoing litigation proceedings being resolved to the satisfaction of Ashby Mining Limited. The Prospectus sets out in further detail the relevant conditions that must be satisfied prior to any acquisition of Denjim Pty Ltd. The Prospectus may be viewed when available in Australia at the following website:

Strategic Growth Plan

The initial focus will be on delineating and developing gold projects suitable for the Blackjack processing facility, which will become an asset of Ashby Mining Limited on the company’s admission to the official list of the ASX. The evaluation programs will be designed to systematically assess:

  • Size and scale of open pit gold potential on existing Mine Leases. Initially focussing on the Hadleigh Castle Mine Lease there are existing gold resources and a potential shorter development pathway. The Company plans to systematically drill beneath and adjacent to historical open pit gold mines on the Lease.
  • Underground potential at Hadleigh Castle Gold Mine which last operated in 2005, with gold grade continuity confirmed open at depth, Charters Towers orogenic gold deposits are multimillion ounce and can have significant depth scale.
  • Open pit potential on the Exploration Leases. Many areas, including the Rishton Structural corridor have only received cursory exploration and are known to host historical gold fields.
  • Exploration, Development and Production partnerships. With the strategic Blackjack facility as a cornerstone asset, we will be able to explore partnerships with others.

How we work

We are committed to being a data driven organisation, utilising modern exploration tools and technology to assess the size and scale of the gold assets and to discover new deposits.

We recognise that careful continued geological, technical and economic ranking of projects and prospects within the region (within the portfolio and external) will assist in directing appropriate investment, reducing exploration risk and building confidence in the “project pipeline”.

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