Our Vision
To be a leading mining company creating long term value for its stakeholders by transforming mineral resources into successful businesses through our passion for people, entrepreneurship and focused execution of our business plans.
Our Objective
To develop a highly profitable multi-generational growth company in the world-class gold mining district of Charters Towers. Based on the current asset portfolio to initially develop a 5+ year producer of 40k – 60k ounces of gold per annum.
Our Operating Model
Utilise the Blackjack processing facility for centralized treatment of non-refractory gold ores.
- A shared business service and support model for mining sites.
- Centralised tailing disposal.
- Disciplined leadership of digital technologies to foster a regional culture of Continuous Improvement and Operational Excellence.
- Opportunity to process reasonable sized parcels of ore from new customers on a toll milling basis.
- Opportunity for future treatment of refractory ores.
Business Model
Ashby Mining’s business strategy comprises project and business development, operations and exploration.
This is a complex business model. Consequently, Ashby Mining recognises that an established way of working and running our business is necessary to achieve success and strive towards operational excellence.
A program that helps to improve the core management systems; people, planning, executing and continuous improvement is being introduced from the start.
Our Phased Growth Strategy
Our value-maximizing strategy is to pursue operational excellence from the start in project development, operations and through investing in phased expansions and systematic exploration to fuel growth and discovery for the future.
We have numerous near surface prospects on our leases and Charters Towers gold systems have deep roots. Our exploration program is designed to foster a data driven organisation with modern exploration tools and technology to increase the size and scale of our gold assets and to discover new deposits.
We will apply a phased approach to firstly generate growth in the size and scale of Open Pit resources by systematically drilling beneath and adjacent to historical Open Pit mines and then assessing Underground potential and Greenfield discoveries.